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Within the US there are 14 biosafety level 4 laboratories (BSL-4).
Biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) labs currently number over 200 according to USA Proper’s second investigation conducted in 2015! Furthermore, more high containment labs are operating than before.
Do you have one in your yard?
As I reside near Washington DC in Maryland, you are living within the belly of an enormous biolab machine; three BSL-4 labs and 13 BSL-3 labs operate here! At noon every Wednesday, there will be a protest held against Anthony Fauci who operates several BSL-4 labs including Fort Detrick’s NIAID Built-In Evaluation Facility where anthrax used in 2001 false flag attacks may have originated from. Three veterans involved with Amerithrax remain essential players in COVID-19. Former Fort Detrick commander David Franz who received funding from DARPA to develop assault anthrax now works for EcoHealth Alliance – US Affiliate Funder of Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Robert Kadlec was appointed Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response by Donald Trump to assist Emergent Biosolutions profit from 2001 anthrax attacks and COVID-19. Kadlec’s deputy, David Christian “Chris” Hassell was FBI lab director who pin the anthrax attacks on Patsy Bruce Ivins; today Hassell serves as acknowledged member of key committee funding gain-function evaluation.
In Chapel Hill, NC you are within striking distance of six BSL-3 labs on the University of North Carolina’s campus, where Ralph Baric works as a virus engineer. Baric was part of an experiment led by Shi Zhengli of Wuhan Institute of Virology and Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance to produce viruses eerily similar to SARS-CoV-2; one may even match. As we don’t yet have their genetic code published until 2020! Baric works alongside Moderna which holds the patent on genetically engineered MSH3 gene that would create furin cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2. On December 12, 2019 — before anyone would admit identifying coronavirus pandemic — an agreement was made for Baric to purchase “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly owned by Fauci’s NIAID and Moderna”
If you happen to live near Seattle, WA, chances are good you may come within striking distance of one of Bill Gates’ BSL-3 laboratories funded through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: the Center for World Infectious Sickness Evaluation. In addition, Gates employs one of America’s premier virus hunters – Scott Dowell. As Anthony Fauci funded an evaluation on H5N1 that could constitute weaponization, Gates Foundation grants provided support to his personally selected scientists conducting gain-of-function experiments under Fauci’s auspices. Gates has even provided Foundation grants to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Evaluation and Naval Medical Evaluation Center to fund experiments at Navy labs located overseas such as Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore Georgia Ukraine amongst others.
Bayer Corporation recently received approval to establish an expanded natural evaluation facility on their 46-acre campus despite local objections in Berkeley due to an ammonia leak that took place two years prior. As reported by The Intercept, Bayer’s 30-year development plan included an instruction that certain restrictions related to DNA evaluation be removed. Bayer claims it won’t alter viral particles to render them more pathogenic; however, they have refused to commit in writing against conducting research involving viruses and microbes that might constitute gain-of-function tests. Since Bayer acquired Monsanto in 2016, they’ve become best-known for their agrichemical business and Roundup herbicide; yet we shouldn’t overlook that Bayer also operates vaccine production lines. Bayer will produce 160 million doses of CureVac’s CVnCoV mRNA vaccine candidate this year as part of an agreement that also encompasses potential SARS-CoV-2 variants, according to CureVac and Bayer respectively. CureVac was amongst one of the first companies awarded funding by DARPA for developing such products. Bayer may be one of the many companies behind the “Disinformation Dozen,” an advertising marketing campaign to silence vaccine safety advocates. Edelman, known for spinning Monsanto spin offs like Event 201 participant Matthew Harrington is believed to be running it out.
If you live in San Francisco, CA, one of your neighborhood biolabs could belong to Verily; an innovative biotech agency launched by Google CEO Eric Schmidt under Alphabet’s umbrella in 2016. Natalie Winters disclosed in Nationwide Pulse that Google had supported Wuhan collaborator Peter Daszak’s virus experiments for over 10 years – as part of their funding of Wuhan University professor Peter Daszak’s virus studies in Wuhan. Data was explosive for numerous reasons, most notably that Google has banned lab origin hypothesis research while Eric Schmidt Foundation funds Covid Payment Planning Group. Winters did not directly link Google with the Wuhan Institute of Virology; however, Google has provided funding for World Viral Forecasting Initiative/Metabiota and HealthMap’s work at Wuhan for various years. That they had been partners in USAID’s PREDICT program, which actually began at through their non-profit foundation’s Predict and Cease initiative in 2008. In 2018, the equal workforce unveiled the World Virome Problem: an ambitious 10-year plan aiming to map over 1,000,000 unknown viruses at an estimated value of $1.2 billion. In 2020, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, GSK and the Clinton Wellbeing Entry Foundation joined together with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Well-Being (Event 201) and other firms and non-profits to transform it into the Trinity Downside initiative – also formally known as ‘Vaccine Confidence Challenge.
Boston residents live within sight of Boston School’s Nationwide Emerging Infectious Illness Laboratories (NEIDL), an ultrahigh containment laboratory (BSL-4) which the city attempted to stop with bans on damaging assessments in 2004 and 2014. Your research facility includes nine BSL-3 biolabs as well as the Broad Institute. In 2021, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unveiled the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center – an ambitious $300 Million initiative bringing together biopharma companies like Genentech (a member of Roche), AstraZeneca and Novartis; experience and evaluation firms like DeepMind, Google Evaluations and Microsoft to form one research consortium. Eric Lander founded and runs The Broad Institute. Lander made a brief cameo as the richest member of Biden’s Cabinet before abruptly leaving after decades-long cases of abusive workplace behavior, particularly towards women-but not without doing a pump-and-dump on BioNTech shares. Eric Schmidt and Eric Lander created an H1N1 pandemic planning document during Obama Administration that now reads like an action plan for COVID-19 response with key phrases like’social distancing. His Broad Institute was involved throughout the COVID origins cover-up through its DARPA-funded Foundry, which claimed in January 2020 to have conducted analysis on SARS-CoV-2 genome to disprove claims it was genetically engineered.
Manhattan, Kansas marks the new home for U.S. Department of Agriculture Plum Island laboratories – potential sources for Lyme disease and African Swine Fever used by the CIA against Cuba in 1971. As reported today in Neutral Science Info by Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson from Neutral Science Info’s Nation Evaluation Council committee review process review these DHS estimates they determined “hazards and costs may well surpass that number”.
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Thank you Alexis! :-). Thank you Alexis for being part of our community! We greatly appreciate it.